Home Remodeling Trends: California-Style

California. The Golden State. The Land of Sunshine and Opportunity. Whatever you call it, we think we live in the most interesting state in the U.S. Our culture, our recreation, and our home remodeling California trends reflect the unique heritage and environment of the West Coast.

Fresno and the Central Valley represent another unique and fun environment for a home remodeling company. It’s one reason we’ve been in business here in California for more than 60 years.

For you, as a resident of Fresno or the Central Valley, there are some specific considerations you need to consider when looking at home remodeling in California:

Extensive Regulation

California is a model of environmental consideration and efficiency for the rest of the nation. This does bring with it though, extensive and specific laws on home improvement. If you’ve doing even a small project, there is a lot of paperwork, permits, and regulations to keep track of. For example, in Fresno you technically need a permit to change a faucet.

We know, understand, and follow the Fresno County regulations and the rules of the California Contractors State License Board very carefully. Our experience means we know exactly what needs to be done. If you have questions at any time, we will be happy to show you our process.

Hot Weather

We enjoy more sunny days – summer and winter – than nearly any other city in the nation. NerdWallet.com ranked Fresno as the 7th sunniest city in the U.S.  Combine that with our mild Central California winters with daytime averages in the 50’s even in December and January, and you’ll want home remodeling that lets the beautiful sunshine in.

We help you take advantage of it even in rooms without an outside wall by installing Solatube daylighting systems to significantly increase the natural light where it hadn’t been an option. But beware of the heat! Big open spaces and more natural light could mean more heat, so talk to our interior designer about energy efficient windows and design options.

Easy Living

If you feel like people in Fresno and the Central Valley are nice and relaxed (except on Highway 41 at 6 p.m.), then you’re right.  That’s great! Research by sociologists say it’s good for us. People in slower-moving cities are more likely to help other people and have lower rates of coronary artery disease.

We love to take advantage of this California habit by creating new spaces for families to relax in, whether it’s a spa-inspired bathroom, designer kitchen, or open-plan living room. Call us for a free consultation and quote on your new home remodeling, California-style!

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