Four Things Our Interior Designer Will Tell You That Others Won’t

Michael Schwandt, our Interior Designer, is the grandson of founder of Rodney Dye and represents the  third generation of Nelson-Dye’s tradition of honesty and expertise in home remodeling and designer bath and kitchen renovations.

Here’s what he wants you to know about interior design that other designers might not want to share with you.

Interior Design is not Interior Decorating

An interior designer could also decorate your space if they wanted to, but interior design is a specialized skill and includes training that applies design to the function and structure of a space. Their knowledge not only includes design aesthetics, but also knowledge of construction, drafting, architecture, building design, and building codes and municipal regulations.

It’s Okay to Say “No”

While Michael, Jason, and the rest of the team have our favorite looks and likes, this is your home and we want you to absolutely love where you live when we’re done. Whether you just want to upgrade your cabinets, redesign your bathroom, or completely renovate your kitchen, this is your project. If you don’t like the direction or a suggestion, tell us right away so we don’t waste time on something you don’t want.

On the other hand, our team many sometimes tell you “no” … or more likely “No, because…” Remember that an interior designer is responsible for making sure that your design is functional and safe. We also know what your budget is and what will take you beyond that. So occasionally, we might need to make a different suggestion so that your kitchen plans will pass inspection or stay within your budget.

We Should be Reducing the Overwhelm

You might already know exactly what you want to do with your kitchen or bath. Or you just might know that it’s time for a renovation or upgrade without any idea of where to go. If you start with the Internet and visit thousands of Pinterest boards, design blogs, and “inspirational” Instagram accounts, you’ll get completely overwhelmed with options.

Some designers get carried away with their own vast knowledge and want to show off the many options and variations, which could be endless. Start with us and our design team to help make your renovation or redesign process simpler, not more complex. Rely on us to help you filter out trends, create a design that works for you, and make timeless choices that will never go out of style.

The Best Designers Aren’t on TV

They’re not limited to San Francisco or Los Angeles either. Don’t let the “celebritization” of everything (from design to fashion to cooking) fool you into thinking you’ve got to find a fancy name or celebrity designer. Those people you see on shows may or may not be great designers, but you can guarantee they are great marketers more than anything else.

We let our designs and our happy clients do a lot of the talking for us. Take a look at the quotes throughout our site and read more here about why we love our clients. If you’re one of those clients, the best way to thank us is to refer your friends, neighbors, and family. We’ll be happy to make their home design and renovations come true, too!

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